Selections from the Polish Book of the Dead and Other Drunk Incantations

Posted on 27th December 2019 in Poetry


It is no joke

and no mystery that

we are all here together

singing songs from our ancestors

of love, sorrow, and death

me in this hope stained coat

you with the blood of a beet on your skirt

those two making love in the corner

the fiddler crying to the rhythm of laughter

from the drummer whose dancing

has the girls sprawled on the floor

sending their unconceived children

off to war so they’re born

into a nobler state of grace

then we can all escape from this place of despair

to where nothing but music fills the air




we carried our corpses
a flute a guitar a violin an accordion
and a case of vodka
accompanied by
a dancer a trickster a warrior a crier
cursing along the back-roads of the nowe miasto
to where
we once gathered to play
our love songs
after the invasion
and the next


to the places our father’s
fought to their deaths
to play for them
to drink for them
to sing to them
to smoke their last cigarettes
until we were drunk
hurled on the ground
our cold red faces pressed against
white crystals formed around
the edges of boot-prints in the mud
sleeping as they do
a few meters underground
buried by decades of war
covered by the new world order
and a fresh layer of snow


Now mostly sober
we carry our corpses back
from the Cytadela
half pickled half fermented
gathering unearthed ordinance
and dislodged shrapnel
to place inside the violin’s F-hole
drop into the sound hole of your guitar
jam into the end of her flute
pierce the trickster’s accordian
and ram down our throats
until there is no memory of the fighting
save the muted sounds of instruments
doing their dirty work








we come here on the coldest of days

to make love to the wind

to be drunk, eat bread

and suck pear nectar from our wrists

dance our tears into the fertile earth


No worries

you will be adult soon enough

able to love

allowed to drink

for now take this fruit and this bread

and dance your joy into the ground

on this coldest of days







One bottle we for us

the other our ghosts

who finished theirs first

rendering the perfect moment

of lucid insanity

with the blood drinking deities

and the Bodhisattva of vodka

puking our way through this illusional forest

somewhere along the polish tibetan border

warming our hands on this cold bottle

we rested our tired bodies

leaving our ghosts a’wander

traversing the steppes

for a brief, intense and unexpected

encounter with Candra




when they opened up your body
to determine the cause of death
they found
music no one had ever heard before
you hadn’t had the chance to write it down

visions of the astral realm you got stuck in
in transit entranced in perpetual dream
no man or woman has ever seen

a sense of compassion extending
beyond the expansioin of all things current
in the universes domain

a sense of loyalty bound in truth
and trust grounded in knowledge
of the rituals of love

a timeless quality wrought
of sacred traditions
kept silent for eons soul long

when they opened up your body
to determine the cause of death
they found you quite alive more than most






Each note

a singularity

a tear for my laughter


Each tear

a kiss

upon your heaving bosom


Each kiss

a word

in between papierosow


Each word

a breath

until the end of this bottle


Each Breath

A spell

collapsing the future


Each Spell

a song

of warring among lovers


Each Song

a prayer

to your god and her devil brothers


Each Prayer

a curse

painted on your music staff








Whisper drunken songs of death to me

as I cross over into sobriety

so I can skip the intermission





a lamentation

with long slow strokes

of your bow in the lowest register

a gentle sobbing as I go





press your warm hand

on my face

so I can feel your blood trace

as mine ceases to flow





drape your body across mine

to protect my soul

and lose your own









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Posted on 27th December 2019 in Poetry, Reflections

~for Greyhawk, Capt X, and Hephaestus

You Die
Make sure you leave behind
A shred of light
enough to blind your followers

and words in sequence
to shatter all shallow thought
that does not meet the standard of love

they will find
the little trinket you left on the shelf by the door
the letter inside the book you propped up on the desk
the scar from where your Duende once flowed

they will understand
the power of silence
and how it is to be gone
to be here
with you
then now

you will be
their constant reminder
this is spirit dream
to relax and be taken by time
breath in the smoke of your ancestors
pass it on to those in their wake

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Posted on 21st November 2018 in Articles, Poetry

She held his hand

One more last breath he said

She waited

He smiled

In his last moments

He teased her with the ultimate

She smiled

She held his hand tighter

He teared up

It wasn’t like they thought this moment wouldn’t come

They just didn’t know how to imagine it


He held her hand, too

While he had his strength

One more last breath

She smiled

They both waited

Thinking of their struggles

Their children

The injustice

The sun

Realizing none of it mattered but the feeling

You have inside

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Nepeta Cataria Amica Mea

Posted on 12th March 2018 in Poetry, Reflections, Self Determination

- Anonymous, Bilad al Shams circa 1500

this one will return every year
to remind you
of that awkward feeling
of being alive
waiting to transcend

celestial mechanics will dominate
how things play themselves out
your participation is to relax
let the salinity of your joy
carry you to the next
lovers last breaths

no seed is required
to perpetuate
that once love blown
taken root on a floating island
hummingbirds will come to feed
spiders will make their nest

he will come in spirit
his presence conducted by wind
a mad orchestra of soloists
measured by the patterns
of their lives respective
after the coda

germinating early
before the slugs begin their frenzy
readying for the ant and aphid
a livelong cycle bizarre
you wouldn’t know
until you step outside

this one will return every year
to remind you of how beautiful you are
as your neck folds your cheeks sag
you wither and wonder
will their thoughts
be the same as your own

terrestrial mechanics
will dominate
that seed wind blown
will populate a future
to behold
they will come next time early
to steal your soul back
to where it came from


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Pence Threatens South Korea with Military Action After Being Served Gay Beef

Posted on 11th February 2018 in Articles

by Jim Un

In a strange shift of political warmongering, Mike Pence threatened South Korea with military action after being served Gayme™ dumplings at the resident of South Korean President Moon. Apparently, it was a rebellious act by one of the Moon’s top chef’s who was offended by Pence’s position on homosexuality, gender equality, and his basic inherent contradictions wrapped up in his religious beliefs. After being told of the situation by a male staffer – who will later be accused of sexually assaulting one of Moon’s servers after which it will come out the he and Pence were having an affair – including fellatio in the oval office – and forced to resign or be disappeared or both, Pence threw a hissy fit.

The idea for gay beef (Gayme ™) came from scientist Marty Lion Allbright when he was an undergraduate student. “I was in bio class being taught about lesbian gulls and it hit me immediately that there must be gay steer and lesbian cows and chickens and fish and all that and we’ve probably all been eating gay meat our entire lives without realizing it. Now, I’m not gonna say you are what you eat and that eating gay meat, intentionally or otherwise, is what is making people gay; nothing of it. Rather, it was simply a business idea to market to other-than heterosexuals,” states Allbright. “After years of field testing, we collected a ‘flock’, if you will, of animals that appeared either willing or desirous to participate in acts of homosexuality and then slaughtered them and fed them to test subjects in a blind taste test,” Allbright added. Based on the studies, published in Nature Magazine, the gay meats took the cake: 4 out of 5 people preferred gay beef, chicken, fish, pork, and lamb over the heterosexual counter-parts.

While South Korea’s leader has not yet revealed that he is anything other than heterosexual, his head chef Keong Juan noticed that Moon had a particular liking for Gayme™. “When I heard of it I was first opposed to the idea. WTF are they doing forcing animals to be gay. Eventually, though, I decided to serve it to the President and on that day he specifically asked me about the change in animal proteins on the menu. I told him we had a new supplier. There was nothing untrue about that,” Jaun noted as if to defend himself. “When I heard Pence was coming here I didn’t even have to think about it. I immediately ordered my staff to prepare a variety of Gayme™ Mandoo (dumpings) to be served as a second course right after the sweet and sour soup made with transgender pork.”

One of Pence’s staff overheard the chefs laughing about something while he was molesting one of the waitstaff in a bathroom near the kitchen and, after a series of inquiries was ultimately informed that the soup was made with what on chef referred to as “Laughing Stock” and the dumplings had Beef Gayme™. This was immediately reported to Pence causing him to lurch up from his seat and decry South Korea as an enemy of God and the United States. “You have deeply insulted me and my Christian faith in which all people are considered sacred who follow god’s will. You have so tainted my pure soul with this outrageous act that it can be considered none other than an act of aggression against a foreign dignitary which is an act of war. Whoever is responsible for this shall pay for it or the entire Korean Peninsula will be subject to the collective punishment of the full force of the United States Military – something you all know quite well.”

The crowd responded with hilarity drowning out Pence’s childish tantrum and fundamentalist mutterings as they, and seemingly much of the rest of the civilized world, do not take Pence or the US, for that matter, seriously.

Toilet Paper Cures In Vitro Rectal Cancer in Laboratory Scientists

Posted on 6th January 2017 in MSMBS

A shocking discovery was revealed today by the American Scientific Society when they published their findings in Noture magazine – a leading journal of scientific inquiry: “Toilet Paper Cures In Vitro Rectal Cancer in Laboratory Scientists.”

The study involved scientists at the ASS posing the dual roles of researcher and subject wherein they harvest rectal tissue from each other, cloned it, and using a retroviral technique of inserting short sequences of DNA in specific regions of the hosts rectal tissue DNA, they can cause the cells to revert back to stem cells and can, thus, effectively function as undifferentiated carcinomas which were let to proliferate. These cancer cell cultures were then treated with 3 different brands of toilet paper delivered by three different means (direct insertion, patting and wiping) at three different temperatures (kitchen, bedroom, bath).

The results show that, under all conditions, the stem cells reverted back to lab scientist rectal tissue except for the case in which bleached sheets were applied which caused sustained cell necrosis.

ASS scientists believe these finding are consistent with the fact that so few people in the defecating population contract rectal cancer!

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