Delphinus delphis: A Song of Love and Letting Go

Posted on 3rd March 2022 in Poetry

 for Nora


We came to see you here today

Amidst the blue in all the waves

That paints the sky to ride beside

To ride beside you all the way

From the beginning to the end


We ride by side

beside the tide

and we cast everything aside


With our family you’re our friend

From the generation young

In the beginning when they’re born

To the season of the old

Who have seen everything unfold

Who have seen everything unfold

That is this is what we’re told


Among the blue in all the waves

You think that you can hear them say

They said they came to see their friend

They came to see them here today

To spend some time with us and play

Amidst the blue in all the waves


We ride by side

beside the tide

and  we cast everything aside


There is no past there is no end

When Delhinus delphis rides

Just the ocean and the sky

Our love and our goodbye

Amidst the blue in all the waves

We hear Delphinus delphis say


We are here and this is now

This never happened always will

Taste the ocean touch the sky

This is love and this is why

We came to see you here today

To tap into each other’s eye

The first hello the last goodbye

Between the blue in all the sky

We touch the waves

And paint goodbye



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